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NSW Parliament House Theatrette - Macquarie Street, Sydney

 Invitation             Photographs Heart of Mamma Lena 2009  

Br. Phil Redding Don & Katrina Oii Giulia Bonacina
John Colombo Kenneth Curtis Rose Colombo
Listen to “Movimento" presented by the Mamma Lena & Dino Gustin Foundation on
 Radio 2000 - 98.5FM Saturdays 6-7p.m. ( Click Here )
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For more than 50 years Mamma Lena and Dino provided assistance and compassion for Italians migrating to Australia. Their tireless work ranged from all aspects of social and financial assistance to fund raising in times of natural calamities. Firstly through Mamma Lena’s newspaper columns in “La Fiamma” and then through their weeknight radio programs spanning from 1957 to 1985 on 2CH, 2KY and 2SERFM, Mamma Lena and Dino kept the Italian community in Australia informed of current news, social and entertainment events from Australia and Italy. As a brilliant producer of radio programmes and organizer of events, Dino galvanized the Italian community to a level of involvement not seen since those memorable years.

For her work Mamma Lena was awarded an MBE by the Australian Government and The Cross of Cavaliere and then the Title of Commendatore by the Italian Government. Dino was honoured with the Cross of Cavaliere.